Prodi Ilmu Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam mengucapkan

Barakallah fiik,
Selamat dan Berkah kepada mahasiswa dan mahasiswi Prodi Ilmu Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam atas partisipasinya sebagai Presenter pada International Colaboration Conference on Islamic Economics (ICCEIS) 2023

Yogi Al Rasyid (1905937)
Dengan judul: Muslim Investor Decision in Investing in Sharia Stocks with Religiosity as a Moderating Variable

Dini Jamilah (1905881)
Dengan judul: Analysis of Milennial Decisions to Pay Ziswaf through the Crowdfunding Platform Using UTAUT Modification

Sri Mardiyanti (1902168)
Dengan judul: Customer Interest of Payroll Customers at BSI in Mitraguna Financing: Analysis of margin, promotion, customer knowledge, halal awareness, and trust as Interesting Variables

Rahmayati (1900029)
Dengan judul: Level of Walfare Among Members of Mosque-Based Islamic Cooperative: Analysis Effect of Sharia Microfinance, Business Coaching, Spiritual Capital, and Business Development as Intevening Factors

Ozka Muhammad Fajrin (2108999)
Dengan judul: Charity Toxic Phenomenon: The Problems of Mustahik’s Dependency an Zakat Fund in West Java
